Our proprietary tool designed to create economic value

SIM2 is used to forecast how changes in any marketing environment will drive customer choice

SIM2 measures brand equity, price elasticity, non-price product and service features of customer behavior

SIM2 allows strategists to understand the impact on volume, market share and net income of changes in price and product features

Determine the business questions

Gather insights to set up trends and patterns

Model the system until it is validated

Build a strategy until it is validated

Forecasts how simulated customers respond to go-to-market strategies by examining how changes in pricing, product design, channel mix, facility location and marketing activities and touch points drive choice

Predicts market outcomes (e.g., volume, revenue, net income) resulting from strategic and tactical decisions initiated by the enterprise, as well as, competitor actions and reactions

Enables execution of “quick win” solutions to protect and grow market share against competitors

Further refines strategic and tactical implementation planning processes

Provides information to future budgeting purposes